Oliver Eaton,
5i were back alongside 4i and 7i at the Skole OL Olympics for the second year running to defend their title. The level of completion has grown significantly from last year with over 34 teams now competing in the 5th grade field alone. The Crown Prince was up early to open the games and ISJ did not disappoint gaining 526 out of a possible 600 in the 5th grade category and 404 in the 4th grade category. (Results can be viewed online https://skoleol.dk/resultater/). All teams demonstrated great team spirt and embodied the ethos of the completion; community, skill and fair play. A special thank you has to be given to parents, Suely and Daniel form 7i, Kristian and Charlotte from 5i and Naja from 4i for chaperoning the classes and giving up their free time so our students could participate in this great event.
Foto: Oliver Eaton
URL: https://sanktjoseph.dk/skole-ol-olympics/