I Sandhedens Tjeneste

I Sandhedens Tjeneste

8i visited DR Byen

Caoimhe Giolla-Møller,  

On Wednesday 16th November, 8i visited DR Byen to take part in a workshop called ‘I Sandhedens Tjeneste‘. We were met by Claus Wurtzen who is the radio host for P4. He brought us on a tour of the newsroom where we spotted Matilde Kimer being interviewed live to discuss the missiles which had landed in Poland the previous evening.

We then went into a radio studio where our host Claus explained the role of radio hosts, what information they give to the public (mostly traffic information), and talked about some of the technical details involved in presenting an effective radio show.
Bagefter tog vi ned til workshoppen hvor vi arbejdede med emner som nyhedsformidling, kildekritik og etik. Klassen prøvede kræfter med en blanding af praktiske øvelser og diskussioner.
Photo: Caoimhe

URL: https://sanktjoseph.dk/i-sandhedens-tjeneste/