9.a goes on retreat

9.a goes on retreat

Kim Broström,  

One of our ninth grade classes were recently on a retreat in Kliborg, which lies outside of Nykøbing. It is a yearly tradition that our ninth grade students and teachers go on a retreat together. The goal of the retreat is for students to reflect about what life lessons they have learned here at Institut Sankt Joseph, the dreams that they share going forward after graduation, and for students to reflect upon their individual strengths and value sets.

We had some wonderful days and the weather was quite kind to us. Klitborg lies in the middle of a plantation, five minutes from the most beautiful beach, where we painted scences of the landscape under Ove´s artistic tutelage- as if we were P.S. Krøyer ourselves. Cell phones were handed over to the teachers at the beginning of the retreat-and it was quite a challenge for the students to be without their beloved cells!

The students participated in meditation exercies, drew mandalas, went in pairs on a “walk and talk” stroll, and were greeted by headmaster Peter Franklin, who came and spent time with the students. The boys used all of their energy trying to retrieve soccer balls stuck up in the trees, after their wayward kicks!  We finally needed to get a new ball in Nykøbing, but it unfortunately ended up in the same place as the previous balls! In addition, there was tasty food on the menu; including, chocolate mousse, and the homemade råkreme on the fruit salad, which was a hit for breakfast the last morning of the retreat.


Text and photos provided by: Teacher Anne Thuesen

URL: https://sanktjoseph.dk/en/9-a-goes-on-retreat/