Kim Broström,
Skoleleder Tine Gregory skriver:
Kære forældre og elever,
Jeg skriver til jer med hensyn til et ønske om at hjælpe Ukraines børn i denne svære tid. Jeg er klar over, at en del af jer sikkert allerede gør jeres for at støtte dem, men jeg ser gerne at ISJ som et fællesskab viser vores engagement i at hjælpe.
Vi har derfor besluttet, at vi arrangerer et kagesalg på fredag d. 11 marts.
Til de af jer, der har mulighed, bedes I/jeres børn medbringe kager, fredag morgen ml. 7.45-8.15. Ledelsen vil stå ude foran skolen for at tage imod. Eleverne får mulighed for at købe kagerne både i 10 og 12 pausen.
Eleverne vil kunne betale for kagerne enten med kontanter eller mobilepay. De vil koste ml. 10-20 kr. pr. stykke.
Dear Parents and students
I am writing to you with regards to helping the children and people of Ukraine during these difficult times. I am aware that a number of you are probably already doing yours to support them, but I would like ISJ, as a school community to also show our commitment to help.
I would therefore like to propose that we arrange a bakesale, this coming Friday, 11th March.
For those of you who are able, please can you/your child bring in your cakes/biscuits etc friday morning between 7.45- 8.15. The leadership will be at the front of school to guide you to where to bring the cakes. We will then organise that they are sold both in the 9.45 break and again at lunch.
The children will be able to pay for the cakes with either cash or mobile pay. The cost will be between 10-20kr per piece.
Med venlig hilsen/with kind regards
Tine Gregory
Skoleleder/Head of School
Tegning: Kim Broström