Fine donationer til vores nye skolegård

Fine donationer til vores nye skolegård

We are well on our way with donations towards the schoolyard

Hasse Carlberg,  

Der er kommet godt gang i donationerne til vores nye skolegård. I sidste uge fik skolen godt 110.000,- kroner fra bl.a. Tata Consultancy Services og en anonym giver.

Flere privatpersoner har også støttet projektet og for nylig valgte Anna Loa fra 3. klasse at donere 100,- kroner af sine egne sparepenge.

Anna Loa ses her på billedet sammen med tre af hendes klassekammerater i færd med at fylde flere bolde i indsamlingsbarometeret. Hver bold symboliserer omkring 13.000,- kroner.

We are well on our way with donations towards the new schoolyard. Last week, the school received 110,000 kroner from several sources, including Tata Consultancy Services and an anonymous donor.

Individuals have also supported our project, with 3rd grader Anna Loa being one of the more recent ones, with 100 kroner from her own pocket money!
In the picture you can see Anna with three of her classmates helping to fill the collection barometer with more balls. Each ball symbolises approximately 13,000 kroner.