Therefore we place a lot of weight on keeping a good stream of information and a trusting dialogue with parents.
Parent meetings
There will always be a parent meeting at the start of the school year. More can be requested, should there be need for them. At the first meeting we will start in the theatre room, with introductions from the leadership. Thereafter will be parent meetings for each class.
Parent-teacher consultations
At least once a year there will be a parent teacher consultation, normally before the end of November. In these meetings the parents and teachers (as well as students in the older classes) will discuss the schooling of the individual child. Before the parent-teacher consultations a document including the basic information for the consultations will be sent out.
Parents are of course always welcome to contact the class or subject teachers. The school’s leadership is also available to contact.
In November, March and June the students in years seven, eight and nine will receive grades based on the Danish point system.
Everyday contact
Usually contact will be done via intra. However the intra-system is better geared for short messages and questions. If there are concerns, dissatisfaction or similar a telephone conversation or meeting will be preferred.
Furthermore, it is important that the parents regularly keep themselves updated via the school’s website; especially under “latest news”
Folder on home-school cooperation
Teachers, leaders and parents worked together to discuss and formulate the mutual expectations between school and home at ISJ. The results are presented in a folder in order to support and develop the good parental cooperation with the school. Read more: A good relation between the school and the parents at ISJ.