“Be the Change” was the latest instillation of a bienniel event entitled Responsibility for my fellow man and the world. In 2013, “Be the Change” ran from the 4th of September through the 13th of September. The event was a collaboration between Institut Sankt Joseph and Caritas Denmark. During this time, the regular school lessons were replaced with practical activities that helped to support raising money in order to provide nomadic children in Niger with schools.
Students and teachers were divided into “tents”, each with its own theme. Some students participated in cooking, others organised an auction, some painted and others studied social justice issues. On the 12th and 13th of September, the school opened its doors to parents and other family members to come and see the work being done at the school.
There has been a special website created by the PR/Media tent, which documented the event and updated all participants on the latest news.