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IT and computers

Requirements for student computers at ISJ

IT and computers

One of the school’s goals is for IT to be a fully integrated part of regular teaching in all subjects. Therefore in the last year we have invested a good deal of work and budget into this.

We have interactive whiteboards (smartboards) in all classes and teachers are educated in their use.

The school has an increasing number of laptops available for use in lessons.

The school’s library has a full class set of desktop computers as well as a number of apple computers especially for media classes.

We have prepared a plan for IT and media classes, which sets guidelines for IT use in lessons, you can find this here.

We have an effective wireless network that covers the whole school, with access to the school’s printers.

All students from years three to ten bring their own laptop computers to class, which can access the school’s wireless network and printers.

We have a full-time IT staff member, who supervises and maintains the school’s IT systems.

Requirements for student computers at ISJ

by Morten Syhler, IT staff and Mette Levin, Administrative Coordinator.

Starting in third grade the students must bring their own device to school. It should either be a Windows PC or an Apple computer (Macbook, Macbook Air or Macbook Pro).
The studens will receive a free Microsoft Office 365 license (Word, Excel, Powerpoint etc.) from the school once they receive their ISJ mail in the beginning of the school year. The students can get help with the installation from their IT-teacher or the IT-staff on the school if needed.
The requirements for computers are as follows:

Windows PC:
Processor: Intel core i3, i5 or i7 8 th generation or higher / AMD Ryzen™
3000 or higher.
Memory: Minimum 8GB RAM.
Hard disk: SSD with atleast 256GB.
Screen: Minimum 1200×800 or 12’’.
Operating system: Preferably windows 10 or Windows 11.

Processor: Intel core i3, i5 or i7 8 th generation or higher / M1 or M2 chip.
Memory: Minimum 8GB RAM.
Hard disk: SSD with atleast 256GB.
Screen: Minimum 1200×800 or 12’’.
Operating system: MAC OS X -version 10.15 or later.
USB port: The newest Macbook comes with a USB-C port. Therefore the student will need to acquire a transformer to normal USB. As your child’s computer is a work tool used daily it is important that it is updated and well-functioning. Parents of students with learning difficulties are recommended to acquire a Windows PC, as many of the support programs we use to help run badly on Macbooks.