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P.T.A. Meeting Minutes

15th of May 2013.

Meeting Minutes from the Parent Council Meeting on May 7th between 19:00 – 21:00


1)     Election of Chairman

2)     Roll call

3)     Approval of Meeting Minutes + election of new Keeper of the Minutes

4)     Information from

  • a) The School Management (Peter Franklin)
  • b) The Board (Karina Demuth)
  • c) Thomas Mulhern about the Summer Program and the new website
  • d) The Teachers’ Representative (Ove Therkildsen)

5)     Mutual expectations towards the collaboration between the school and the parents. Follow-up on the previous meeting. (Peter Franklin)

6)     Information about establishing a Parents’ Association (Karina Demuth on behalf of Anne Brandt Christensen)

7)     Information on and discussion of better utilization of parent resources (Bo M. Nielsen)

8)     Miscellaneous

Information from the PC-project group (Ton Rouw)


Attending: Peter Franklin (Principal), Torben Møller (Vice Principal), Thomas Mulhern (ISJ Communication), Anders Christensen (Head Teacher) and Ove Therkildsen (Teachers’ Representative), Anders Peo Fajers (Kindergarten A), Tina Louise Pedersen (Kindergarten B), Jan Nikolai Bondo Bredholt (Kindergarten B), Henriette (1A), Tine Vorting (1C), Janne Rude (2B), Jannie Miltoft (3A), Ton Rouw (3B), Nanette Louise Hale (3B), Peter Erik Bang Nielsen (4B), Mette Sønderkjær (4B), Hanne Lone Miliam (5A), Steen Rylander (6B), Elsebeth Tang (6B), Karina Demuth (6B/The Board), Hanne Lone Milliam (7A), Hanne Stig Andersen (8A), Jane Krogh Johannesen (8A), Heidi Wanek (9A).


The following classes were not represented: Kindergarten C, 1B, 2A, 4A, 5B, 6A, 7B, 8B


1)    Election of Chairman

Steen Rylander was elected Chairman

2)    Roll call

The people present were ticked off on a list (Tine Vorting)

3)    Approval of the Meeting Minutes + election of a new Keeper of the Minutes.

The Meeting Minutes were approved.

As agreed at the last meeting, the attendees will take turns to be Keeper of the Minutes. The Keeper of the Minutes will find a new Keeper of the Minutes for the following meeting. Ton Rouw had passed the assignment on to Nanette Hale (Parent Representative from 3B).


4)    Information

a)    From School Management (Peter Franklin)

The Lockout

PF expressed immense joy that everyday life has returned to ISJ. The conflict has been difficult for all parties involved and now, the work of re-establishing a sensible everyday life has commenced – everything in line with the spirit of ISJ and with respect for everybody’s opinion and work.

The Danish Union for Private Schools announced at the last meeting that the school will not have its government subsidy withdrawn. However, we have to make up for the lessons lost. This will be resolved in the following manner:

–          Kindergarten to the 8th grade: In these grades the lessons lacking will be included in next year’s schedule. In order for the school to do this, we will have to hire 1-2 teachers next year.

–          9th grade: The graduating classes will have their lessons compensated for, but, obviously, the teachers do not have time to make up for the lessons lost before the exams. The subjects in the final exams will have first priority and the compensation for the lessons lost will take place during the afternoons/evenings (the individual teachers will arrange with their classes how to execute these lessons).

The tuition fees paid during the lockout will not be refunded. The school will still have to cover the usual expenses of running the school as well as compensate for the lessons lost.

PF will inform all of the parents about the abovementioned on Intra.

Project week: ’Be the change’

Two years have now passed since the project weeks ’Rope of Hope’ took place –with great success. Next school year, it is time for another project for a charitable cause. It will take place from the 5th of September and will run for 1,5 weeks, and it will bear the title ’Be the Change’. During this project, we will raise money for children in Niger through the organization, Caritas.


The new website

The school now has a new website, and people have been very pleased with it – in terms of functionality, but also in terms of layout. Special emphasis has been put on communicating, what it is to be a catholic school, as this is the foundation of the values and culture of ISJ.

Trip for the faculty

Two years ago, the entire faculty went to Rome on a study trip. The school would like to repeat this initiative. The next trip will be to Barcelona, where the school has good contacts. The trip will be around ’Store Bededag’ (Danish public holiday, falling on the fourth Friday after Easter) 2014. The teachers will leave on Thursday the 15th of May (2014) –and on this day, we will, like last time, have ’Parent teaching day’ (the parents will ’teach for the day’ in their child’s class).


Music lessons

ISJ would like to improve the offer concerning voluntary music lessons (instruments/orchestra). We are looking into the opportunity of working with other schools (possibly Bording), so that we can share the facilities as well as the expenses of providing for teachers and instruments. We also want to establish a ’Cultural Society’ in order for the school to obtain funds that way as well.


International track

ISJ is investigating the possibility of establishing an international track at ISJ (for Danish as well as foreign children, with lessons being taught in English). An international track is a natural result of the international outlook and student foundation at ISJ, and it would open up for a lot of positive possibilities for the school, as well as for current and future students (foreign and Danish). It would also be an additional way of obtaining funds for the school. The Parent Association pointed out that it is not the intention to create a division in the school (a Danish and an international track as in Rygaard School). An international track would have to be integrated into the existing school, culturally as well as physically. Peter Franklin and Thomas Mulhern will go on a researching trip to explore, what they have done at other schools.


b)    From The Board (Chairman Karina Demuth)

The Lockout

KD informed of the many pieces of information given to the teachers by the parents –during the lockout and on the day of the Government intervention. Thank you for that!



The new website

KD praised the structure, the visual presentation and the content of the website. She also emphasized the importance of a professional online presentation of the school in relation to new parents and other stakeholders (e.g. fundraising).


Inspection report

The external assessment of the school was passed around.



The accountant has revised the annual accounts for 2012 and praised them. ‘The school resources have been kept with the appropriate care and respect’. The school has slightly fragile finances, because of the many added expenses, but wishes to maintain a relatively low average, when it comes to tuition fees (compared to other private schools), therefore, the added expenses must be covered through different initiatives –amongst others, the Summer Program (see below).


English lessons

ISJ will implement English in the first grade, starting next term (2 lessons per week). An extra English lesson will also be added in the 8th grade.


New Chairman of The Board

Due to ongoing negotiations on determining the school rent, Sister Susanne has for technical reasons decided to retire as Chairman of The Board. We regret this very much, as she has contributed with a lot of positive things to the Board’s work. Our parent elected board member, Peter Navarro, will, as per request, take on the position as Chairman. Sister Susanne will remain in the Board as a board member (Thank you both!).


c)      Thomas Mulhern on the Summer Program and the new Website 

The new website

TM informed us of the work being done on the website, which has been his first assignment in this job. He is happy with the result. The website has clear and prioritised information and a structure, which emphasises the school’s points of focus. The site has a complete English version, which considers the current and future English-speaking parents and strengthens the school’s profile. Collaboration with a web designer has been planned, so that the site remains vibrant and updated at all times.


The Summer Program

The Summer Program was announced on the 1st of March and the number of participants is now up to 35 (21 from ISJ and 14 others). The deadline will be extended to the 15th of June to ensure as many sign-ups as possible. Thomas and three teachers from the school will participate during all three weeks. The Program will consist of academic (Danish/English as a second language), creative and outdoors activities.

Furthermore, the Summer Program is an opportunity to test the mix of children with Danish/international background (in relation to the further development of the idea of an international track).


d)    The Teachers’ representative (Ove Therkildsen)

The trip to Rome

OT informed us of the newly passed trip to Rome with the 8th graders. Again, the trip has been a great success with good academic and social results. In keeping with tradition, the children stayed at a convent, where they, among other things, contributed to the charitable work of the convent.



The teachers are trying to re-establish everyday life. The group is, of course, awaiting, what is going to happen with their working hours, but the lockout has strengthened the collegial solidarity at ISJ.


5)    Mutual expectations towards the collaboration between the school and the parents. Follow-up on the previous meeting (Peter Franklin)

The Parent Council’s comments on ‘Paper about expectations towards the collaboration between the school and the parents’ have been added to the draft that has been passed around. There were only very few corrections/comments. The faculty has not been gathered since April (because of the lockout), so their comments will be added, and the Parent Council will see the final draft at the next meeting.


6)    Information about establishing a Parents’ Association (Anne Brandt Christensen)

Unfortunately, Anne Brandt Christensen could not be present, but KD informed us that work is progressing on establishing a Parents’ Association. More information is to follow at the next meeting.


7)    Information on and discussion of better utilization of Parent Resources (Tine Vorting)

TV presented the group’s work on the utilization of parent resources – use the potential of the parent group. The group has come up with three initiatives:

  • A flea market to strengthen fellowship and earn money for other initiatives at the school.
  • ‘What can I become?’/workday, where parents talk about, what they do, what the job entails and how to get the education needed for the specific job.
  • Bank of resources, where parents can write about, what they believe, they can bring to the table.

It was decided that the group should continue working on the ‘What can I become?’/Workday and the ‘Bank of Resources’. The idea of a flea market was cut, as this activity is already being used in the lessons (e.g. during project weeks).


8)    Miscellaneous

Information from the PC project group (Ton Rouw)

TR informed us of the group’s work on establishing the common purchase of computers – especially for the coming classes of middle school, who, starting next year as something new, will have to bring a computer.

At the same time, the group has provided (in collaboration with the school) lockers for the safe keeping (and charging) of the computers. For a small monthly amount, all the middle school students, starting next term, can ‘rent’ a locker for their computer. The amount will be charged via the tuition fees.

It is, of course, voluntary, if you want to participate in the common purchase and/or use the lockers.

A demonstration of the computers will be arranged at the end of May, where students and parents can test the models that are available for ordering.

The group will send out information on this via Intra for all the parents of students in middle school.


‘Oldies’ from ISJ

PF informed of the association for former students and teachers at ISJ. A party will be held in this association on the 7th of June. As there is no up to date database of former students/teachers available (contact information), it will on this occasion be arranged that the people present can enter their details in computers provided for this purpose.


The Summer Party for the school on the 20th of July

We will get together and wish each other a great summer. We will have a barbecue in the schoolyard. More information will follow.


Next Parent Council meeting will be in the new school year, summons will follow.

Thank you for a good meeting, thank you for this year.