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P.T.A. Bylaws

Bylaws for the P.T.A. of Institute Saint Joseph Copenhagen

The P.T.A. consists of a representative and an alternate from each class, the two members of the school Board elected by the parents, a teachers’ representative and the management team at the school and the After School Program.

The purpose of the Parent Council is to contribute to a lucrative collaboration and good communication between school management, teachers, students and parents. At the meetings, management will inform of current events from the school and the After School Program. The Parent Council can as the consultative organ pose questions and suggestions to the management and/or the Board concerning the daily management of the school, just as management and the Board can use the P.T.A. as a sparring partner in the extent, it is needed.

The P.T.A. Chairman will present a written orientation to the class teachers of the representation.

The Class Representative and the alternate from each class are elected at the first parent meeting of the new school year (one vote per student, and you cannot represent more than one class at the same time). The class teachers will, immediately hereafter, report back to the Chairman with the info (class, name of representative and alternate, name of their children, as well as phone number and e-mail address).

The Chairman will give a verbal introduction of the Parent Council to the parents of the new kindergarten students. The orientation will take place at the welcoming meeting around June 1


or when the parents gather for the first time at the introduction meeting in the new school year.

One of the assignments of the Parent Representative is to participate in the Parent Council meetings – or find a replacement that can represent the class. So, it is the goal that at least one representative from each class will participate in the Parent Council meetings.

The two members of the Board, who are elected by the parents, are automatically members of the Parent Council.

As a starting point, the P.T.A. will convene four times a year, the first time being around the autumn break. The agenda is typically as follows: Election of a chairman and keeper of the minutes, name call, approval of summary, announcements from the Council Chairman, orientation from the school management team, After School Program and employee representative. Incoming suggestions. Miscellaneous.

The meeting can also be a team meeting, where time will be spent on going into depth with a relevant topic.

Suggestions for the agenda must be sent to the Chairman at least two weeks before the meeting. 10 days before the meeting the agenda is to be sent to everyone in the Parent Council.

As a minimum, a decision minutes’ sheet has to be elaborated after every meeting. The minutes will be approved at the next meeting, and if there are essential comments, they will be included in the next minutes.   

A majority of the P.T.A. can summon the Board and/or management to a meeting on special challenges, just as the school Board/management can summon the P.T.A.

An amendment to the bylaws requires that at least two thirds of the present members of the Parent Council vote in favour, after which the bylaws have to be approved by the school board.

 The Chairman and the Vice Chairman are elected by majority of vote every second year (all odd years) at the first meeting of the school year around the autumn break. It is the task of the Chairman to call for a meeting, send out the agenda and be the link between the school management and the P.T.A. It is the task of the Vice Chairman to replace the Chairman, when needed.

When relevant, a project committee can be appointed, who works independently with specifically selected areas or topics. The conclusions of the group will then be included as points for discussion at upcoming meetings in the Parent Council.


Karina Demuth,
