- Institut Sankt Joseph´s “Be the Change” event ended Friday night. The result of over a week of hard work by staff and students resulted in the raising of over 103, 818 kr! A special thanks to all parents, students, staff and of course our sponsors for helping to make this possible.
- This amount of money will be put to immediate use and will greatly benefit the nomadic children yearning for houses of education in Niger. The general secretary of Caritas Denmark, who received the big check from Institut Sankt Joseph, said that it was a substantial amount of money that would bring about change for these children. Therefore, on behalf of the entire school community we would like to thank all involved for truly “being the change.”
- Visit the Be the Change-website to read more and see photos and video.
- The “Be the Change Run” around Kastellet will be posted shortly, stay tuned for details.
Pictured from left: Andreas Rude (Parent and a member of Caritas Denmark’s Board of Directors), Jann Sjursen (Secretary General of Caritas Denmark and Peter Franklin (Principal).